2018 Hancock, Black Hawk. “Michel Foucault and the Problematics of Power: Revisiting the Critique of Medicalization.” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 43(4): 439-468.
2018 Roberta Garner and Black Hawk Hancock. “Reintegrating Theories, Methods, and Historical Analysis in Teaching Sociology.” The American Sociologist 49: 369-391.
2018 Hancock, Black Hawk and Daniel R. Morrison. “The Ethnographer’s Circle: Institutionalizing Ethnography in the Pacific Sociological Association.” Sociological Perspectives 61(2) 195–206.
2018 Hancock, Black Hawk, Bryan Sykes, and Anjuli Verma “The Problem of “Cameo Appearances” in Mixed-Methods Research: Implications for 21st-Century Ethnography.”” Sociological Perspectives 61(2): 314-335.
2017 Sykes, Bryan, Anjuli Verma, and Black Hawk Hancock. “Aligning Sampling and Case Selection in Quantitative- Qualitative Research Designs: Establishing Generalizability Limits in Mixed-Method Studies.” Ethnography 19(2): 227-253.
2016 Hancock, Black Hawk and Daniel R. Morrison. “Beyond The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying: A Theoretical and Methodological Intervention into the Sociology of Brain Implant Surgery.” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
2016 Fine, Gary Alan and Black Hawk Hancock. “The Ethnographer at Work” Qualitative Research.
2016 Hancock, Black Hawk. “Civil Society Must be Defended: A Reply to Michael Burawoy’s “Sociology as a Vocation” from the Standpoint of Ethnography.” Contemporary Sociology 45(5): 675-676.
2015 Hancock, Black Hawk, and Roberta Garner. “Theorizing the Deep Parallel between Goffman and Freud: Goffman’s Interaction Order as a Social-Structural Underpinning of Psychoanalytic Concepts of the Self.” The Canadian Journal of Sociology /Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie 40(4):417-444.
2014 Hancock, Black Hawk and Roberta Garner. “Reflections on the Ruins of Athens and Rome: Derrida and Simmel on Temporality, Life, and Death.” History of the Human Sciences. 27(4):77-97.
2014 Hancock, Black Hawk and Roberta Garner. “Erving Goffman: Theorizing the Self in the Age of Advanced Consumer Capitalism.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 45(2): 163-187.
2013 Hancock, Black Hawk and Michael Lorr. “More than a Soundtrack: Towards a Study of the Musical Practices of Hardcore Punk.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 42(3): 320-346.
2011 Hancock, Black Hawk and Roberta Garner. “Towards a Philosophy of Containment: Reading Goffman in the 21st Century.” The American Sociologist 42(4): 316-340.
2008 Hancock, Black Hawk. “Put a Little Color on That!” Sociological Perspectives. 51(4): 783-802.
2007 Hancock, Black Hawk. “Learning How to Make Life Swing.” Qualitative Sociology. 30(2): 113-133. Spanish Translation reprinted in as “Aprendiendo cómo Hacer que la Vida Tenga Swing.” Pensar: Epistemologia, Politica, y Ciencias Sociales. (2008/2009) 3/4: 42-65.
2007 Roberta Garner, Black Hawk Hancock, Kiljoong Kim. “Segregation in Chicago.” The Tocqueville Review. XXVIII(1): 41-74.
2005 Hancock, Black Hawk. “Steppin’ Out of Whiteness.” Ethnography. 6(4): 427-462.